Home Remedy to Control Migraine Aura ?There is no definitive cure for migraine aura in allopathy and naturopathy.Only the symptoms of migraine aura can be controlled. And if the natural method works, then the patient can get relief from migraine for many...
Diagnose Migraine Without Aura ?There is no test to diagnose migraine without aura. We can diagnose migraines without aura based on symptoms alone.Usually to diagnose migraine without aura Headache, vomiting, nausea, light, smell, loud noises, and mood swings are...
How To ease Migraine Symptoms ?Migraine cannot be completely cured but its symptoms can be reduced. And for this both allopathic treatment and natural treatment are better.If the symptoms of migraine are severe, in such a case, allopathic method of treatment is better...
Migraine Without Aura Treatment ?There is no definitive cure for migraine without aura, but there are treatments to reduce its symptoms and severity. Therefore, the treatment of migraine without aura is divided into two parts.Intensive treatment of migraine without...
Diet Plan for Migraine without Aura ?In this post, we will tell you some foods that can reduce migraine attacks without aura.But remember that there is no definitive diet for migraine without Aura which can reduce the intensity of migraine.However, according to the...