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Diet Plan for Migraine without Aura ?
In this post, we will tell you some foods that can reduce migraine attacks without aura.
But remember that there is no definitive diet for migraine without Aura which can reduce the intensity of migraine.
However, according to the observations of experts and patients, there are some foods that can reduce the severity of migraines without aura.
Therefore, based on the observations of experts and more than 100 patients of Migraine Aura, we are sharing with you some foods that will definitely reduce the severity of your migraine.
These foods are as follows.

Red Beans

Red Beans for Diet Plan for Migraine without Aura

In light of personal experiences of patients with migraines without aura, it has been reported that the use of red beans reduces the intensity of migraines without aura.
Therefore, a migraine patient without aura should make red bean curry once in a week and eat it for breakfast in the evening and morning.
Eat a boiled egg white in the evening meal and morning breakfast.

Black Chick Pea

Another important food to reduce the intensity of migraine without aura is Black Chick Pea. Therefore, a migraine patient should make black gram soup once a week and have it for dinner and breakfast.
Eat a boiled egg white in the evening meal and morning breakfast.

Pumpkin vegetable

Among the vegetables, pumpkin is considered the best to reduce the intensity of migraine without aura. So eat pumpkin vegetables once a week for evening meals and morning breakfast. Eat a boiled egg white in the evening meal and morning breakfast.

Mutton Curry

Goat meat gives strength to the nerves, while without it, migraine is a weakness of the nerves of the brain. Therefore, once a week, make fresh goat meat soup and have it for dinner and breakfast.
If you can’t eat goat meat, you should make soup of local chicken meat and have it for dinner and breakfast.
Do not eat egg whites on the day you eat meat.

Fish curry

Fish normalizes cholesterol and blood pressure in the body, while cholesterol and blood pressure increase the risk of developing migraines. So if possible, you should have dinner and breakfast with fresh fish curry from the river once in a week.

Praecitrullus Curry

Once a week, make a Praecitrullus curry and have it for dinner and breakfast. Eat a boiled egg white in the evening meal and morning breakfast.

Gram Beans And Lentil Curry

Once a week, make a curry of Gram Beans and lentils and have it for dinner and breakfast. Eat a boiled egg white in the evening meal and morning breakfast.

Eggplant vegetable Curry

Once a week, make eggplant vegetable curry and have it for dinner and breakfast. Eat a boiled egg white in the evening meal and morning breakfast.
Remember to use more ginger and garlic in the curry and try not to over-fry the ginger and garlic. Use black pepper instead of red pepper in curry and do not use spices in it. If the food is made in olive oil, it is even better.

Use of Tea

Drink a cup of tea in the morning for breakfast and don’t have too much sugar in this tea. You can drink tea three times a day.

Raw Salad

Every afternoon you should have lunch with onion, cucumber, green coriander, and a light squeeze of lemon.

Water Consumption

Before sunset, first, you have to drink at least 5 liters of water and every afternoon you have to add a few drops of lemon to a glass of water and drink it.

Morning And Evening Walk

Before sunrise in the morning, you have to stand in your house facing the sun and take 40 deep breaths, and after that, you have to go and walk in a garden for an hour. You have to do this process even after sunset, also, every time you eat food, walk for 5 minutes after 30 minutes.
Remember that you should never use market food, rice, bakery products, cold drinks chocolate, alcohol, and unnecessary pain medication. And you have to stay away from the mentioned things all your life.


Mughal is a subtle fragrance that only absorbs into the leather. Mughool is the best natural remedy to control the intensity of migraine Which was used for spiritual treatment in ancient times, while the reality inside it was something else. Mughal gives immunity to the patient against migraine. And up to 10% of its results are felt by the patient in a day. So, to get the best results from the mentioned diet, wear the Mughool around your neck. Because of Mughool, you will be able to beat migraines very quickly.
We estimate that after 15 days of using the described diet, you will start getting better results.
If you need further guidance, you can stay in touch with our team.
Whichever type of migraine you are suffering from, the mentioned diet will give you the best results
But this diet is especially for patients with migraine without aura.
Remember that the described diet is not a cure but a lifestyle and this lifestyle will bring peace in your life.
We observed these foods for 10 years and today we share our knowledge with you.
Because we feel your pain.

Tips for Migraine Without Aura

Remember that you can bring peace back into your life through Moghool, a better diet, and a better lifestyle. It is possible that the peace of your life is a few moments away from you. We feel your pain. That's why we tell you only the right remedy.

Related Links :
All About Migraine Without Aura
Diet Plan for Migraine without Aura
High Tyramine Foods to Avoid
lifestyle for Migraines
Migraine Triggering Foods
Remedy for Migraine
The Best Foods To Eat To Prevent Migraines

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